Learning a few Croatian phrases before you travel will go a long way in
making sure you have the ultimate experience. You can learn so much about a place by chatting with the local people (much more than in any guide book or pamphlet).
Although most Croatian people do speak English (especially in the popular tourist destinations), they really appreciate the effort when someone tries to learn and say a few Croatian words.
In this post you’ll learn 65 Croatian travel phrases that can help you in different situations, encourage you to mix with the locals, and make your experience much more authentic (you might even make a new friend or two)!
I’ll start off by briefly outline the alphabet so you can have all of the letters and how to pronounce them, right in one spot! (Even if you don’t understand a word, at least you’ll be able to say it like an expert :) And don't let the accents scare you, those letters are all a breeze.
The Croatian Alphabet
Here’s a quick outline that might be helpful:
The Croatian alphabet is very similar to the English alphabet (with a few different letters). Here’s a simple chart I created to compare which letters make up each one.
The new letters shown in the table above are really not as scary as they look, either. See below:
ć č (basically the same sound) = “ch” like in couch
đ dž (basically the same sound) = “j” like in jam
lj (the only tricky one) = like the middle of million
nj = like the n in jalopeño or in onion
š = “sh” like in shop
ž = sounds like the j in "Taj Mahal"
Also - a couple specials notes:
j = looks like a j, but sounds exactly like a "y"
r = rrrrrrrroll it! (If you're Canadian, think "Rrrrroll up the rim to win!" - sorry, I had to)
If you want a more in depth guide to start speaking Croatian conversationally, head on over to my recent post about how I learned Croatian as an adult!
Greetings in Croatian:
2. Good morning - Dobro jutro [dough-bro you-trow]
3. Good day - Dobar dan [dough-bar dun]
4. Good night - Laku noć [la-koo noch]
5. Goodbye! - Dovidenja [dough-vee-jen-ya] or for short, just ‘Denja [jen-ya]
6. How are you? - Kako si? [ka-ko see]
7. Good, thanks! - Dobro, hvala! [dough-bro, fa-la]
8. My name is … - Moje ime je … [moye ee-may ye …]
9. What’s your name? - Kako se zovete? [ka-ko say zo-ve-tay?]
10. Nice to meet you! - Drago mi je [dra-go mee ye]
11. Where are you from? - Odakle ste? [oh-da-clay stay?]
12. I’m from … - Ja sam iz … [ya sum eez … ]
You’ll almost always hear #2, #3 or #4 (it just depends on the time of day as to which one you’ll hear, of course) whenever you walk into a shop / hotel / cafe / restaurant, and you’ll ALWAYS hear #5 whenever you walk out!
Use these friendly greetings to spark a conversation with a local and they’ll be thrilled!
Getting Stuck in Conversation & Manners
13. I don’t understand - Ne razumijem [nay ra-zoom-ee-um]
14. Do you speak English? - Govorite li Engleski? [Go-vor-ee-tay lee Eng-gle-ski?]
15. Can you please repeat that? - Možete li ponoviti molim vas? [Moe-je-tay lee po-no-vee-tee mow-leem vas?] {NOTE - the j is pronounced as a soft j, as in “Taj Mahal”}
And let’s not forget our manners:
16. Please - Molim vas [Mow-leem vas]
17. Thank you - Hvala [Fa-la]
18. Excuse me! / Sorry! - Oprostite! [Oh-pro-stee-tay]
A Few Useful (Travel) Words & Phrases in
19. Yes - Da [da]
20. No - Ne [nay]
21. I want … - Ja želim [ya je-leem] {NOTE - the j is pronounced as a soft j, as in “Taj Mahal”}
22. I need … - Ja trebam [ya tray-bum]
23. How much does it cost? - Koliko košta? [Ko-lee-ko kosh-ta]
24. What time is it? - Koliko je sati? [ko-lee-ko ye sa-tee]
25. Where is (the nearest) … - Gdje je (najbliže) [gd-ye ye (nigh-blee-je)]
26. When does it open? - Kada se otvara? [ka-da say oat-va-ra]
27. When does it close? - Kada se zatvara? [ka-da say zat-va-ra]
Now a few nouns that you can pop on the end of the phrases listed above:
28. Washroom - WC [vay-tsay]
29. Grocery store - Dućan [doo-chawn]
30. ATM - Bankomat [Bank-o-mat]
31. Beach - Plaža [Pla-ja] {NOTE - the j is pronounced as a soft j, as in “Taj Mahal”}
32. Hotel - Hotel [ho-tel] <--- tricky, isn't it?
33. Museum - Muzej [moo-zay]
34. Restaurant - Restoran [reh-store-an]
35. Park - Park [park] <-- also tricky, right?
36. Airport - Zračna luka [zrach-na loo-ka]
37. Train station - Željeznički kolodvor [Jel-yej-kneech-key ko-low-dvor]
38. Bus station - Autobusni kolodvor [au-to-boos-knee ko-low-dvor]
39. Taxi - Taxi [tak-see]
Asking for Directions in Croatian
40. (turn) left - (skreni) lijevo [(skre-nee) lee-ye-voh]
41. (turn) right - (skreni) desno [(skre-nee) des-no]
42. (go) straight - (idi) ravno [(ee-dee) rav-no]
43. Here - ovdje [ov-d-yeh]
44. There - tamo [ta-mow]
At a Cafe
Here are some helpful words and phrases to order coffee or other drinks (you can start each phrase with “ja zelim / ja bih” (I want / I would like):
45. Coffee - kava [ka-va]
46. With milk - s mlijekom [s ml-yeh-comb]
47. With sugar - sa šećerom [s sheh-chair-om]
48. Water - voda [vo-da]
49. Beer - pivo [pee-voh]
50. White / red wine - bijelo / crveno vino [bee-yell-oh / ts-r-no vee-no]
51. Apple / orange juice - sok od jabuke / naranče [sok owed ya-boo-kay / na-ranch-eh]
52. Coke - cola [ko-la]
53. The bill, please! - Račun molim! [ra-choon mow-leem]
Just a note, all coffee in Croatia is typically served with a glass of water, which is amazing, and there’s no need to ask for it - it comes automatically!
At a Restaurant
54. Table for … - stol za [stole za]
55. I’m a vegetarian - Ja sam vegeterijanac [ya sum vay-gay-tare-ee-on-ats]
56. Can I have this without … - Molim vas ovo bez … [Mow-leem vas oh-vo bez …]
57. I’m allergic to … - Ja sam alergičan na … [ya sum a-lair-gee-chan na …]
58. Do you have a table on the patio? - Da li imate stol na terasi? [Da lee ee-mah-tay stole na tare-ah-see?]
59. Do you have a child seat? - Da li imate dječju sjedalicu? [Da lee ee-mah-tay dee-yech-ee-you see-yed-all-eet-sue?]
60. Do you have a kid’s menu? - Da li imate dječji meni? [Da lee ee-mah-tay dee-yech-ee-yee men-ee?]
Emergencies (hopefully you’ll never need these words, but just in case):
62. Fire - Požar [po-jore] {NOTE - the j is pronounced as a soft j, as in “Taj Mahal”}
63. Ambulance - Hitna pomoć [heat-na po-moch]
64. Hospital - Bolnica [bowl-neet-sa]
65. Help! - Upomoć! [oo-po-moch]
Croatia is a stunning country filled with incredible places, things to do, and sights to see! And it’s also filled with wonderfully warm-hearted people, which make the country that much more special.
All in all, you certainly can get by in Croatia without knowing a single word of Croatian, but your experience will be much more enjoyable if you pick up a few phrases, in my opinion! Take the time to learn at least a simple hello and goodbye, it’ll go a long way :)
Sarah Cosic
Royal Croatian Tours - Specializing in custom made, luxury trips throughout Croatia. We offer exclusive experiences all over the country, and we’re passionate about providing you exceptional service that goes above and beyond for your tailor made vacation! Send us an email or give us a call to start planning today! |
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